
A toy to run method calls as privileged actions.


Interface Summary
ActionExecutor Interface to execute a PrivilegedExceptionAction.

Class Summary
AccessControllerExecutor Execution of a PrivilegedExceptionAction with the AccessController.
DirectExecutor Direct execution of a PrivilegedExceptionAction.
Privileging<T> Toy factory to create proxies executing the method calls as privileged actions.
PrivilegingInvoker<T> Invoker that creates for the invoked method a PrivilegedExceptionAction and runs this action with the provided ActionExecutor.
SubjectExecutor Execution of a PrivilegedExceptionAction with a Subject.

Package Description

A toy to run method calls as privileged actions.

The package provides a proxy factory creating proxies, that wrap each method call into a security.PrivilegedExceptionAction and pass this action to a user provided ActionExecutor. The toy is delivered with three predefined action executors:

The following using the AccessController to perform privileged read actions on the file:

File file = Privileging.proxy(new File("src/main/java/" + PoolToyExample.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".java"))
        .executedBy(new AccessControllerExecutor())
        .build(new CglibProxyFactory());
LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(file), 16 * 1024);
while (reader.readLine() != null);
System.out.println("Lines of code: " + reader.getLineNumber());

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